Student Handbook » Progress Reports/Report Cards/Teacher Conferences

Progress Reports/Report Cards/Teacher Conferences



It is essential that students’ progress in school be fully communicated to their parents. It is mandatory after the first 9 week period. Each school will report students’ progress to the students and to their parents or guardians as appropriate. The reports will be clear, concise, and accurate, and will provide a basis of understanding among teachers, parents, and students for the benefit of the individual students. The Superintendent will develop progress report forms or cards in accordance with this policy.

  • Parents will be informed regularly, and at least eight (8) times a year, as to the progress their children are making in school.
  • Parents will be alerted and conferred with as soon as possible when a student’s performance or attitude becomes unsatisfactory or shows marked or sudden deterioration.
  • Distinctions will be made between a student’s attitude and academic performance.
  • At comparable levels, the school will strive for consistency in grading and reporting except as this is inappropriate for certain classes or certain students.
  • When no grades are given, but evaluation is made informally in terms of the student’s own progress, such evaluation will be a realistic appraisal of the skills developed by the student.
  • Reports of progress for students qualified for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (I.D.E.A.) shall be based on their progress in the general curriculum and shall address whether the progress is sufficient to enable the student to achieve the goals stated in the student’s individualized education program (IEP) by the end of the school year. Legal Ref.: A.R.S. 15-709
  • Hold parent-teacher conferences (at least annually in elementary schools during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement, as well as, marks and symbols as related to student’s grades)