Student Handbook » School Discipline Procedures

School Discipline Procedures



(Refer to Policy JK, exhibits and regulations within)

Depending on the severity/degree of the violation/offense, and at the discretion of the administration, consequences may include, but are not limited to any of the following:

Class One Violations include: intimidation, bullying (to include cyber bullying), threats, or physical assault on staff, arson; possession/ distribution/use of drugs; possession of a weapon as defined by board policy.

1st Offense- Minimum- Parent conference (and/or up to 5 day suspension) Maximum – expulsion

2nd Offense- Minimum – Parent conference / recommendation for long term suspension,


Class Two Violations include: fighting, possession or use of fireworks, viewing or possession of pornographic material, violations of the law, dangerous objects, possession of tobacco, class disruption, insubordination, throwing objects, forgery, profanity, cheating, offensive/inappropriate language, inappropriate touching, excessive teacher referrals, intimidating or threatening other students, damaging school property, and theft.

1st Offense-Minimum – Detention, Maximum - Expulsion.

2nd Offense-Minimum – Before/After-school Detention or In-School Suspension, Maximum - Expulsion

3rd Offense- Suspension from school 3-5 days, Maximum- Expulsion

4th Offense- Suspension from school 5-10 days, Maximum - Expulsion

Subsequent violations could result in a recommendation for long-term suspension for one semester or for the parents/guardians to attend parenting classes and/or accompany the child.

Class Three Violations include: class disruptions; excessive absences or tardies; truancy; and rough play.

1st Offense-Minimum- Conference with administrator, Maximum- note sent home and/or detention and referral to truancy if applicable.

2nd Offense- Minimum- Conference with administrator and parent. Assigned to detention - Maximum: detention and/or truancy referral if applicable.

3rd Offense- Minimum - Conference with administrator and parent conference. In-school suspension for 1-3 days. (In instances of excessive absences, tardies, or truancy, students will be assigned to in-school and a referral will be made to the Attorney General’s Office.)

4th Offense- Minimum- Conference with administrator, parent conference, and suspension from school for 3-5 days. Subsequent violations could result in a recommendation for long-term suspension for 1 semester.