Student Handbook » Attendance



Students are responsible for attending school every day the district is in session. Poor attendance usually results in poor academic progress and may lead to retention in the same grade for the following year or referral to Truancy Court. Excused absences are as follows – necessary family trips where prior arrangements have been made with the Principal, emergencies due to an accident, illness, family medical emergency, or injury to the student requiring medical attention. All absences must be justified with a written note. It must be turned in to the office the day the student comes back to school from the parent/guardian and/or a doctor. Any absence for which a note is not received will be considered unexcused. Unexcused absences include: missing the school bus, family vacation, student leaving school grounds without permission; coming to school, but not attending class, any absence for which a note is not received. Doctor and dental appointments, as well as other non-medical appointments, should be made after school hours or as late in the day as possible. Students are not to miss an entire day of school due to scheduled appointments.

Pursuant to Arizona State Statue §15-803 “It is unlawful for any child between six and sixteen years of age to fail to attend school during the hours school is in session.”

Your child should be in attendance daily unless they are ill. Our goal is to educate the students; this is not possible if the student is habitually truant (absent at least 5 school days within a school year). A child is considered to have excessive absences when the number of absent days exceeds ten percent of the number of required attendance days prescribed in 15-802.

Unexcused and Excused Absence and Tardy Consequences

1.)   Parents/guardians may receive notice at 3rd unexcused absence/tardy.

2.)   Students may receive disciplinary consequences on the 5th unexcused absence/tardy. (habitually truant)

3.) Parents/guardians shall receive a warning letter of possible referral to the Attorney General and complete the school/family contract agreement form on the fifth absence

4.) Parents/guardians will be referred to the Attorney General at 10th unexcused absence/tardy.

5.) Other excused or unexcused referrals may be       sent according to Administrative discretion


When a family is referred to the Attorney General, fees and/or fines may be imposed by the Yuma County Juvenile Court.

Three unexcused tardies or early pick-ups are equivalent to one (1) unexcused absence.


Leaving Early/Arriving Late

Parents/Guardians who pick up students before the end of the school day can cause the student to miss valuable instructional time. Please do not pick up your child early from school. This leads to your child missing direct instruction from his/her classroom teacher.

Upon late arrival, the students must stop by the office for a late entry pass. Students may be marked absent for ½ day if they miss more than 1.25 hours of instructional time due to being tardy or an early pick-up. Each school may provide exact times upon request.


Returning to School after Absence

When a student returns to school after being absent, he/she must bring a note signed and dated from their parent/guardian and/or doctor to the office. Parent/guardian may also call the office to explain an absence; however, a note is still required.


Attendance Zones

All K-8th grade students must attend the school that is in their attendance zone per the Gadsden School District’s board approved attendance zones.  Adjustments may be made based on classroom capacity and educational programs available.