Gifted/Talented Club

Mission Statement
The Gifted Program's mission is to ensure that all gifted students are offered high quality educational programs that will provide students with a variety of learning experiences that will prepare them to compete in a modern day global economy.
Gadsden Elementary School District's goal is to ensure that all gifted educators are appropriately certified and continually trained to provide learning experiences that:
- Provide students with opportunities for learning that maximize each student's abilities;
- Assist and encourage students to acquire skills and understanding at advanced academic and creative levels;
- Aid students in expanding their abilities to communicate and apply their ideas effectively;
- Encourage enthusiasm for learning.
At Rio Colorado Elementary School Gifted/Talented students will have the opportunity to work in a challenging environment with learning opportunities that are varied from their regular instruction. Differentiation of Instruction is the key concept in providing services for our gifted students. This will promote the development of the student's intellectual and social abilities and will enhance the student to his/her maximum potential.
Club Advisor: Mr. J. Rojas